Man in the Middle Attack Using Kali Linux
Step 1: On the Kali Linux ettercap is installed by default, To open it, Go into
Application > Sniffing & Spoofing > ettercap-graphical
Step 2: Go Next Sniff > Unified Sniffing OR Pres Shift+U
Another window will be popup where you need to select Network interface from the drop down menu and click next
Next, Go in Hosts > Scan for hosts
In this option Atacker system will scan whole network and find out, “how many devices are connected in the network?”
Step 3: To See the connected hosts in the network
Go Hosts > Host list or Press Key H
Next tab will appear, In this menu you should select desired host and click on add to target 1, afterward select another host and click on add to target 2
Next, Go into Mitm > Arp poisoning after click on this option new window will be pop up check sniff remote connection and it OK. arp poisoning will be start automatic
When you finished all process, then sniffing will be started. If you want to check arp poisoning is activated or not Go Plugins > Manage the plugins OR Ctrl+P
And click on chk_poison You will see result like following image.
When user will access any page and enter the login credential, It will be captured by attacker machine see result.
Note: It will capture data over http only if you want to capture data use sslstrip for mare detail
Secure Socket Layer SSL analysis with sslstrip in Kali Linux
Man in the Middle Attack Using Kali Linux
Reviewed by Admin
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